Hi, I'm Will.

I'm a self-taught web developer who loves the internet.

The developer, Will.

A little about me:

I'm self-motivated, detail-oriented, and an excellent collaborator.

I love working as a team and tackling tough challenges together, even if we're executing independently.

I'm eager to improve myself and to see improvement in others.

Bottom line: I love the work, and I would like the opportunity to take and share my passion further.

If that sounds good to you, please take a look at my work or get in touch because I would love to speak with you.

My Work

Here are some of my favorite projects, using a variety of technologies.


A brand presentation site I designed and built for Wholepigeon Embroidery. There was a special focus here on capturing the feeling of the brand and getting that across instantly.

My favorite flourish is the "squishy" border-radius that changes on hover in the image grid!

Designed with Figma.

Technologies used: HTML, SCSS, and JavaScript.


A React implementation of a Python program I wrote to calculate the length of the sides of a trapezoid.

Included research on different packages and UI frameworks. In the end, I didn't use them in order to get more quality React practice.

Designed in the browser.

Technologies used: React and CSS.

FF-Lucid, a port of Daniel Eden's Lucid

A port and further development of Daniel Eden's Lucid extension for Chrome.

This Firefox extension was a great opportunity to learn from and extend Daniel's code for handling Promises with the browser sync storage API.

On top of code changes for Firefox compatibility, I created a brand new Options page that allows the user to choose a preferred color scheme, font type, and timezone.

Designed in the browser, based on Daniel's initial design.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Learn some more

Check out my code or send me a message!